Lusaka Man Snatches His Chinese Boss’s Wife After Non Payment

A Zambian boss of Chinese origin will, in future, think twice before delaying paying his employees, especially male ones.This is after one of his male employees sneaked away with his wife after he [the boss] failed to pay them on time.

“You can take the salary”,the man captioned a photo on whatsapp in which his boss’s wife could be seen completely exhausted, sleepy and lying on his chest.

Upon seeing the photo, the boss is reported to have alerted police.A warrant of arrest was subsequently issued for the man who has since turned into a fugitive.

The husband claims, its a case of abduction but judging from the body language of the white Chinese woman[the wife], it certainly doesn’t look so.

Looks like the guy has been eating from the poor boss’s honey seems the guy has been having two job descriptions for all along, and when the salary was delayed, he decided to concentrate on one job description that would later break his boss’s heart.

It goes to show what a crazy world we live in.

Do you believe the guy abducted the boss’s wife or have they been in a secret relationship?

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